So with my 3rd day at work in row upon me, I wake with the knowledge this is where the battle for the week begins. It comes with the heavy eyes, the lead like legs and a mood that matches the peeing rain outside, but up I get and on with the day I go safe in the knowledge, I consider myself a very lucky person in the grand scheme of things.
I have wonderful husband, rock solid marriage, a great family and a job I enjoy. Chronic illness and experience of life and death situations give you the power of perspective and the advantage of being able to cherish the important things in life.
As the fates would have it i'm perhaps not the luckiest person in the smaller aspects of everyday life, the universes reminder that just because you live with an illness you're not automatically immune or given a break from the absurdly annoying ticks that irritate your daily routine. Like, for example, despite many a morning greeting our lovely neighbours on the driveway in rain sleet or snow as I venture to work, it is this morning that my fit and healthy husband is offered a lift up the road and most of the way to the train station by our retired neighbours next door but one.. And it's me 30 minutes later speed walking in the freezing rain to my pre work dentist appointment with Mark's jolly post oap joy ride words ringing in my ears "don't forget the brolly love, it is pretty nasty out"
That has pretty much set the tone for the day. The dentist was somehow running 15mins late on her 2nd appointment of the day, I bumped smack bang into my arch enemy from my old job whilst dashing my little lupie legs from the dentist to work, once at work dropped a box of lightbulbs that smashed everywhere, dropped a full box of baby grows on the stockroom floor and then poked myself in the eye with a display prong whilst bending down to merchandise all the Christmas stock... All before 12pm.
Sods law dictates that the oddest and inconvenient circumstance happens to us with no synchronicity or value to that time or specific occasion, it happily holds hands with chance and unluckiness making the worst out of one particular day week or month.
At this moment on time I feel i'm pretty much on par with luck, she has taken away but slowly she is starting to give back, proving after all she may not be a lady all the time but will catch you a break when she's in the right mood.
Living with lupus and surviving motherhood. General life, crimes, home and home adventures with a chronic illness
Monday, 4 November 2013
Lucky me...
Monday Monday...
I've been adamant from the start that writing this blog I wanted it to be personal, with article based posts reflecting personal experiences, thoughts and key issues that affect me and perhaps other lupus suffers. I didn't want to infringe on the widely more successful lupus bloggers out there by launching another blog of daily musings and helpful advice, I fear I may bore people to death with the vastly underwhelming activities of my everyday life! I also felt it better to avoid any vague possibility that I may start to get stuck and subconsciously fill my posts with vast amounts of useless guff that nobody wants to read. So I aimed for the approach to write longer pieces on a weekly basis that I could build throughout the week, a growth of ideas and reflections that I felt passionate about, dancing around in my brain like giddy elves screaming 'write me down yippee!' and so I obliged with snatched moments of scrawling whilst spilling my tuna sandwich on the staffroom table.
But this week I thought I'd try a break from the norm and try and get out a few of my lupie ramblings on a daily basis.. Mainly inspired by my husbands recent 5.30am starts in order to compete his storytelling ideas and creativity with other NanoWrimo participants.
So Monday, so far so good. As with every other working day i'm up 30 mins earlier than I really need to be.. The reason? The wonderful delights of my medicine box require my attention to make me resemble something human like for work. It goes a little something like this.
1 tablet at 7am to prepare my body for the onslaught of multiple medications at 7.45.
A gap for a bowl of porridge in between.
20 to 25mins rest before leaving so they don't turn my stomach into a knotted, churning time bomb.
Today like most days I feel like a walking advertisement for pharmaceutical companies - I could potentially earn a fortune if I was brave enough to wear one of those sandwich board signs saying "POWERED BY STEROIDS, IMMUNOSUPRESSANTS & OTHER DRUGS" all the while doing a silly dance and showing everyone how energetic I am that day.
Anyway, Monday is usually always a good day, i'm either rested from Sunday dozing on the couch or by a short and sweet shift at work that gets me home in time for the channel 5 Sunday afternoon movie. So my parting thought for today? Use Mondays to your advantage, there's plenty of days later in the week to feel tired.