
Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Shade Hopper

Yes, I'm still alive (just about in the form of lupie torture that is is this heat!)
Whilst blog activity has been minimal and absence notable, it's a far cry from my daily, non-cyber related life.
So this month has been eventful to say the least, not including all the additional calories burnt hopping like a mad hare from one side of the road to the other to find the smallest glimpse of shade to walk in. I've also been making sure I remain permanently glow in the dark by applying industrial strength and ridiculously expensive factor 50 sun cream to my entire body everyday (the price we have to pay to stay the colour of a milk bottle) or as my 84 year old Grandad summed up last week in his concerned voice "ooooh, you're very pale aren't you".
My medication has changed too, the remnants of my final Myfortic prescription has been very excitedly shoved right to the back of my overflowing medication box and a box Azathioprine sat pride of place in what is vastly becoming a home  pharmacy. The downside, my poor veins hammered in weekly blood tests to check I'm tolerating it and my kidneys aren't going haywire again. More adventures on this coming shortly.