
Thursday 14 November 2013

The language barrier.

Lupus suffers are often the masters of disguise, in our own little world what we say or do is not exactly what we mean.. and perhaps sometimes neither do others in our lives..

'How are you?'  (poor girl, has a dreadful illness..)
'I'm fine.'
translation: i'm not singing in the rain, the hills are alive with the sound of music Fine, but.. i'm coping.

'Why do you always have a cold?' ( You're ill all the time.. what's wrong with you?)
'My medication makes my immune system low.'
translation: Mind your own business.

'Will you take tablets for the rest of your life?' (I'm really nosy)
'Most likely yes.'
translation: thanks for the reminder, would you like to try a pink one and see how it tastes? No?

'You look tired'. (You should have a lie down, poor poor sick person)
'Do I?'
translation: thanks, I actually feel ok today but it makes me feel a whole lot better knowing I look like shit.

'Why is it called lupus?' (It sounds like a made up illness)
'From a medieval physician who first described some of the physical symptoms, like a wolf's bite'.
translation:  Because I am really a werewolf. Check wikipedia.

'Are you ok?' ( You look a bit pale)
'Yeah good thanks,'
translation: i've been asked about 5 times already today, do i have a sign round my neck saying 'I have lupus please ask if I'm ok when you see me, it doesn't get on my nerves at all when I'm asked repeatedly.'

'Why have you taken the hoover upstairs, i told you i'd do it?' (You're a delicate princess and mustn't exert yourself)
'Because I'm hoovering?'
translation: I'm big and strong and sometimes like to do things for myself.. I'm not going to put myself into sleeping beauty mode by small domestic activity.

'A bit of fresh air and sunshine will do you good' (you hide away like a vampire, it can't be good for you)
'I have to be careful in the sun, I'm UV sensitive.'
translation: want to see me bubble up like a big red blotchy pepperoni pizza? sure lets go the beach..

'Are you sure you're alright.' (It's a terrible disease, you should be wrapped up in cotton wool)
'Honestly, I feel ok'
translation: Ever considered a career in medicine? or psychic readings? you seem to know more about  me and how I'm feeling than, well, myself. Or do you just have trust issues?

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