
Sunday 15 December 2013

Christmas Spirit

As we race towards Christmas with the speed and energy of a Meatloaf power ballad i'm confronted by the fact I've survived another year on this planet and moreso in the best (as far as i'm limited) of health and stress free in a long time. 
When you go through a traumatic illness, accident or life changing experience I like to say that it opens your eyes to the truth of what people go through, makes you a far less selfish person but of course I can only speak for myself.
I'm astounded at how easily I notice the shadows of hurt flickering behind peoples eyes. Sad stories playing on loop and transmitting silently to another through tone of voice, eye contact or a subtle smile that doesn't quite break across the cheeks.
Everybody has a sad tale to tell, some more than others. But those who have encountered utter pain need not speak a word, you will be read and understood.
Since my immune system has gone haywire, you'd hazard a guess that with nearly 4 years of regular hospital visits, stays and appointments I would be immune to the routine of going for my  consultations and would treat it with the nonchalance of fern cotton presenting Glasto. But no, far from a party in the mud and more like going back 18 years to the night before your A level results (or BTEC advanced if you were anything like me and found academia like wading through a swamp)
The trouble with me is that I have an overwhelming desire to care far too much about everything. Despite my husbands demands that I should 'not give a shiny what's sometimes i'm afraid it's just built in. So with a looming hospital appointments this week, my overactive imagination steps in and that suppressed but ever present thought of 'what if something isn't ok this time' starts doing it's little dance around my brain.  I ask for those that can see those invisible signs, just to smile and reconsider your actions, don't say those words of contempt, push past me in the busy shops or judge me because I'm a little bit quieter and more tired.  It makes my day that little easier,  you should know. You've been there too.

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