
Tuesday 7 October 2014

For all those New! faces

A very good morning to everyone today.  I know it's unusual, me being such a busy and tired little lupie and all,  for you to find a blog post from me so soon.  There are a few simple reasons for this.

1  I'm on day 7 of 8 days off in a row to use some of my holiday and do not need to bury myself deep into the cavern of my duvet,  being awake early without feeling like I've been beaten by trolls in night is now an established routine.
2.  The cat jumped on my head at 7.40am.
3.  I needed a wee and the cold air from the bathroom window blew the sleepy cobwebs off.
4.  I had 6 notifications from FB and I was dying to have a look.
5.  Remembered it was article publishing day and they are plonking my blog at the end of it for THE WHOLE OF THE GOSSIP MAGAZINES FAN BASE TO SEE (and possibly google me and check i'm a real person).

So yes, hello if you're a New! face to this blog. You may not be aware but the theme for today is very casual, and to introduce you slowly to the world of lupus, my world. Past and present.  I'll not waffle on  too long, just point you to a couple of popular posts and pages that give you a insight into the challenges we face suffering from this illness. A few facts to clear up to start with.

1. Lupus' full name is Systemic Lupus Erythematosis (S.L.E )
2. You can't catch it.  It's not flu.
3. Women are more prone to it than men (90% of patients)
4. There is no cure, just a lifetime of medication.

There is a full list here of facts and figures for lupus awareness month.
For my story visit the history stuff part 1 and part 2

Otherwise just keep clicking on older posts to find something of interest.  I hope you enjoy this blog and learn something new! and please don't judge my husband on his long girly haircut.

Love to all

Claire x

P.S  For any cynics out there I didn't sell my story for a fee.  They approached me and I offered it completely for lupus awareness. Thank you kindly.

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